In addition to the craft “blue lodges”, two side orders operate in BiH.

The Scottish Order is, first and foremost, an educational institution in Freemasonry with the aim of expanding, enriching and deepening knowledge about the contents of the Royal Art. As a superstructure of the Ivanovo (Blue) lodges, it presupposes the increased activity of the Brother to strengthen the Brotherhood through concrete work in his lodge and help the brothers master the knowledge of Freemasonry.

The Scottish Rite is one of the associate orders of Freemasonry that a Master Mason can join to perfect his membership. It is also compatible, because some of its degrees refer to the degrees of symbolic (craft) Freemasonry. In England and some other countries, although the Grand Lodge does not officially recognize the Scottish Rite, only a full Freemason can join it and there are no prohibitions. However, in the United States, Grand Lodges officially recognize the Scottish Rite as an extension of the degrees of Freemasonry. The Scottish rite builds on the ethical teachings and philosophy dealt with in the craft (or blue) lodge, through the dramatic presentation of individual degrees.

The Holy Royal Arch is a very important degree in the Anglo-Saxon area, but it also works outside of it. It was created in the first half of the 18th century. It is organized in chapters that, in addition to working on additional moral and ethical development of their members, also work on building the “ideal temple”. Therefore, K. L. dedicates himself to the spiritual work of his brother on himself, encourages him to question his own nature, and he does this with the help of allegories and symbols. The condition for membership in the K.L. is the master’s degree in one of the blue lodges.
